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Not going to lie, I had one main reason to be excited about last month’s Owl Crate and it left me simultaneously excited and also feeling a little icky. More on that later. The theme for July’s box was Date with Destiny which sounded super intriguing. Overall, I was super happy with the box so let’s take a peek!
I’m not a big tea drinker, but one of my besties is so she’s always pumped when I get tasty teas because I pass them along to her. This one from Riddle’s Tea Shoppe is made especially for Simon Snow from Carry On (one of my faves). I haven’t actually read the Raven Cycle, so this apron from @paperbackbones wasn’t a fandom fave, but I can always use cute stuff for my kitchen, so I’m good with it.

I am obsessed with office supplies, so cute Hunger Games arrow paperclips from @paperbackbones? Yes please! I will definitely be putting them to good use. And my favorite item from this month’s box–by far– is this double sided Star Wars bookmark from In the Reads (the flip side is pictured in the top image). Reylo 4 evah.

There is not enough YA sci-fi out there in the world, so I’m stoked to read the July book Goddess in the Machine by Lora Beth Johnson. Give me more YA sci-fi pretty please!

And finally, the item I really wanted, but also kind of hate that I want, the latest Harry Potter mug from Cara Kozik. I have the whole collection, and I love them, but I am having a hard time lately separating my love for HP (which definitely has its own problems) and my complete disdain for JK Rowling. I’m trying really hard to not make any more purchases that directly benefit her, but I can’t bring myself to completely cut ties with the books themselves. I mean, I have two HP tattoos, so unless I’m getting lasered (which I’m not), I will never be fully separated from these books. Still working on reconciling the impact of the books versus the trash human being who is their creator.

Sorry to end on such a downer note, but these are the things on my mind lately. Overall, I was excited for this box, and I really like all the items and am pumped for this book! Next month’s theme is Written in the Stars and I can’t wait to see what Owl Crate brings us next!