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One Sentence Reviews: November 2019


This post is your quick at-a-glance of everything I read last month and my succinct thoughts. Some of these books have longer reviews, which are linked in case you want to check them out, but for some of my reads, this is all you get!

Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas: I liked this more than I thought I would, but I’m still not sold on Derek Craven as the end all be all hero of romance (sorry Fated Mates).

Save the Date by Morgan Matson: A cute and fun book, but maybe not the best read for a wedding planner like myself.

Faefever by Karen Marie Moning: I love this series, but please, for the love of god, just make out already!

Five Dark Fates by Kendare Blake: I’m glad this series has concluded and I still have no idea who the five dark fates belong to.

Love in a Bottle by Zoe Archer: This book was fun, but nowhere near as awesome as her Eva Leigh books.

Duke’s Stolen Bride by Sophie Jordan: I love Sophie and this book is haaaaawwwtttt!

Can You Keep a Secret by Sophie Kinsella: Sophie is #careergoals, but this was not my favorite book of hers, mainly due to the weak conflict.

A Daring Arrangement by Joanna Shupe: Loved everything about this book and it further cemented my love for the Gilded Age in New York.

American Fairytale by Adriana Herrera: Adriana’s voice is stellar, but I didn’t love these characters as much as I loved the two guys from American Dreamer.

The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kiersten White: Horror is not my thing, but this was an interesting take on a classic story.

Angel’s Blood by Nailini Singh: This was my first Nailini book and I was underwhelmed, but I will be giving her other series a shot.

An Ale of Two Cities and Wine and Punishment by Sarah Fox: There is nothing I love more than a good literary pun, and also these books were delightful cozy mysteries (also, full disclosure, I was provided with copies in exchange for my review on Instagram).

Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert: This book is nothing short of brilliant and it made me feel all the feelings.

A Rogue by Any Other Name by Sarah MacLean: Sarah is on the top of my favorite author lists, but this one from her back list was not my favorite of hers.

Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase: I mean, the heroine straight up shoots the hero (he deserves it) after outwitting an antiques dealer to purchase a painting worth thousands for pennies so if nothing else, I was into her.

DNF: I did not finish Concubine by Norah Lofts after references to the “kitchen slut” and “his slant eyes” in the first few pages. I should have checked the publication date before picking this one up (in the 1960’s), but it was free and sounded appealing on the surface. Lesson learned.

Overall, not a bad month of reading in November! My three faves were Get a Life Chloe Brown, A Daring Arrangement, and Duke’s Stolen Bride, but definitely lots of books worth reading on this list!


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