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I read a total of seventeen books in January, which I’m taking as a win for the first month of the year, especially considering how stressful said first month was. As usual, reading was my escape and I was happy to have these books to sweep me away last month!
Offer From a Gentleman by Julia Quinn: Benedict is one of my fave characters on Bridgerton and while I liked his story, I didn’t love book Benedict as much as TV Benedict.
Romancing Mr. Bridgerton by Julia Quinn: I feel the same about Colin and Penelope as I do about Benedict, TV versions are better than book versions (still enjoyed the book though). Thoughts on the first four Bridgerton books here.
The Stylist by Rosie Nixon: This was a fun little romp that reminded me a lot of early 2000s chick lit (which is a good thing).
The Dating Plan by Sara Desai: A fun contemporary romance, though I don’t know that it stands out from the crowd.
The Intimacy Experiment by Rosie Danan: Rosie is a writing goddess and you need to preorder this book immediately. Full review here.
How to Catch a Queen by Alyssa Cole: Alyssa is one of my auto buys, but while I liked this book, I felt that the focus wasn’t the romance and that the couple didn’t spend enough time on the page together.
The Camelot Betrayal by Kiersten White: There is not a lot of plot in this one, but I love the characters so much that it was okay? Full review here.
Scandal Takes the Stage by Eva Leigh: Eva is one of my historical go tos and I really liked this one, even though I wanted it to be steamier.
VIII by HM Castor: The book was compelling but I don’t hold a lot of sympathy for Henry VIII so *shrug*.
To Sir Phillip with Love by Julia Quinn: Eloise is my absolute favorite character and I do not feel like she got the love story she deserved, and I hope the show corrects that.
To Love and To Loathe by Martha Waters: If you like enemies to lovers, you will love this one. Full review here.
Trashed by Mia Hopkins: I have been wanting to read this series forever and it totally lived up to the hype!
Lothaire by Kresley Cole: Not my favorite of the IAD series, but still an entertaining read.
Lore by Alexandra Bracken: Fantastic writing, but too much world-building in this one for my liking. Full review here.
Just Last Night by Mhairi McFarlane: This was a tough book because of the subject matter, but it was so well done. Full review here.
Darker Shade of Magic by VE Schwab: This was technically a reread but that didn’t take away from its brilliance.
Gathering of Shadows by VE Schwab: I hadn’t read this one, and I loved it just as much as the first!
Overall, not a bad month of reading. What was your favorite read from January?