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Monthly Wrap Up: July 2022


Hi friends! It feels a little bit weird doing a monthly wrap up for July because I was basically taking it easy for most of the month (well, except for my birthday/anniversary weekend, which my husband and I both spent working, of course). But I had a lot of down time throughout the month which was much needed and very relaxing! Here’s what I got up to in July!

Reading: I only read thirteen books throughout the month, which is low for me, especially considering how little I had going on. I think it was mostly because I actually don’t get much reading done when I’m on vacation. I did read some really good books though, and you can find my favorites for the month right here!

Writing: I did absolutely zero writing in July, and you know what? It felt awesome! I had some edits to work on for Just My Type, and normally when I’m not editing I’m drafting something new, but I just didn’t feel like cramming it in between vacations and work and so I didn’t. It was nice to give myself a little break and I’m really glad I did because now I feel totally ready to dive back into drafting (I’m going to be drafting book four, which feels surreal!). I’m super excited about the concept for this one and I think it’s going to be a lot of fun to write. Oh, and I guess the major writing news of July is that I signed a new book deal! I have two more books coming out with Putnam (in 2024 and 2025) and I still can’t believe this is my life!

Movies and TV: I’m very glad my kid is going back to school for numerous reasons, but first and foremost being I might actually get to see some non-kids movies this month! In July, we saw Minions, Paws of Fury, and Jurassic World Dominion (which isn’t technically a kids movie, but definitely had the plot of a bad one). I did manage to sneak away and see Thor and Mr. Malcolm’s List, both of which were highly enjoyable. In the world of TV, I watched my usual reality goodness. I also finally got on the Our Flag Means Death train (or ship, as it were) and I am obsessed. I watched the Deep End docuseries which was mind-blowing, and I Love That For You starring Vanessa Bayer and Molly Shannon which was perfection. Overall, a pretty good month of media viewing!

Life Stuff: Not going to lie, it was a good month for life stuff! Hard to have a bad month when you finalize a new book deal while on vacation!

Overall, July treated me very well, but I’m also kind of excited to get back in my normal swing of things!


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